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Recreation Committee Minutes 2012/01/07
Town of Sunapee Recreation Committee Minutes
7 January 2013

Meeting called to order 6:34 pm

Attendance: Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Rhonda Gurney, Craig Heino, Matt McNally, Brian Emery, Paul Skarin

Guests: Erica Belisle, Rich Ducharme, Judy Dunn, Charleen Osbourne

Review Minutes – Unanimously approved December minutes with spelling correction onto/into

Major League Baseball Field Size – Guest Rich Ducharme spoke about the pros and cons of converting the 60ft baseball paths of Veterans’ Field and Dewey Field to 70ft.  Discussion regarding the Kearsage Valley Cal Ripkin preference for this change.  The general opinion of the committee was to not have any action at this point. Rich will attend the next KVCA meeting to see what area towns are doing.

Route 103B Proposed Walking Trail – Guest, Judy Dunn gave the committee an update of progress regarding the proposed path. She has contacted many local and state officials regarding this effort. There will be a meeting to discuss this at the Safety Services Building January 10, 2013.  Judy stated that the Town Manager recommended a possible sub-committee of the Recreation Department to form.  Path is in the feasibility stage.

Harbor Magic – There are a couple of items from the silent auction to be picked up and paid for.  We will no longer be able to use Pete’s Shed for Harbor Magic and will be looking into utilizing the Harbor Livery for a possible location to continue event.  Discussion regarding the event’s responsibility to decorate the town.  There is none.  Extra money was used from the event in the past to purchase decorations for the town.  It is recommended that only event related purchases be made. The committee discussed there being a possible holiday committee.  Scott will recommend to the Selectboard.

Skating rink – Rink liner should be replaced every 3 – 5 years.  Plan for replacement.  Greg Kelly is now paid by the town to spray and snowblow the rink.  Craig takes care of all other maintenance.  Recommended that only a couple of approved, capable & trained persons be able to spray the rink.

Recreation Committee Priorities – Most items on list have been completed.  The following were discussed as items for 2013; place kiosk at Tilton Park this summer, place kiosk at Georges Mills Beach, put up signs for Tilton Park Frisbee golf, new roofs for Veterans’ Field dugout and shed, and Dewey Beach signage updates.

Budget Meeting – Tuesday, 8 January at 7pm in the Town Hall.

Mt. Royal – No update

Red Sox Tickets – Discussed the pros and cons of having a Red Sox trip this year as there has been a loss for the last couple of years.  The committee agreed to purchase bleacher seats this year.  If we continue to lose money we will consider not purchasing tickets next year.

Open Gym – Open gym is popular for a Saturday night family activity.  Scott continues to look for volunteers to supervise the gym during this time.

Mount Sunapee Ski Day – Tuesday, 22 January  

Membership – Erica Belisle applied for position on Rec. Com. Unanimously approved
                Charleen Osbourne applied for position on Rec. Com. Unanimously approved

New Business - None

Meeting adjourned at 8:23pm

Minutes as taken by Rhonda Gurney